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Photogallery from 1st dress rehearsal of 2nd semi

Andy on Wed, 05/13/2009 - 14:03


I can mention that only Zoli's, Toppers' and someone elses microphones were not working properly. The only failure for the artist was a bit of mix up of lead and backing vocals when Lithuania is changing to Russian part in the end. And Sasha should definitely keep his hat on. I've been trying to figure out what is the need for backing vocalist of Slovenia, but she hasn't opened her mouth a single time during the performance.

It takes quite a lot of time to move in and out some props, espesially those of Slovenia and Ukraine. Ukrainian delegation seemed to be unhappy, but organizers have reacted the way that it's fault of own Ukrainian techniciants and first of all if they was everything 100% ready they should get rid of some unnecessary elements.

All those pauses are filled by greenroom broadcast, there were around 5 of them.

Opening act is pretty stylish - Terem-quarter (participants of one of first Russian preselections) perform Eurovision hits playing national Russian instruments. It is much better opening than awful interpretation of Russian fairytales in Hollywood style in the first semi. Interval act doesn't include Tatu and thus looks good as well.

Vodianova still is shaky, but not that badly as in semi 1.

Moldova, Serbia looked very good, Greece received huge support from Greek fans, Norway, Azerbaijan, Ukraine are pretty strong as well.

Full report - tomorrow