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First day.......first morning and FIRST disaster.......

No not a rehearsal....though more on that later.

Nope this was a OMG our batteries just run out on the camera and we forgot spares and DAMN.

Daniel was dispatched back to the apartment to get spares but as we are in the middle of nowhere here it will take him at least 2 hours round trip.

That of course means that I have been left in the arena all by myself.......and now ARVID has arrived so I guess we will just be naughty. And he needs to be slapped NOW!!!!!

Enough of that do you want news from today? Well rehearsals have kicked off, press conferences have started and it's still raining. More capable and able web sites than us are covering this so we'll just leave you with a few pictures from this morning......before the batteries ran out....

These guys are so energetic on stage that it very nearly woke us up this morning;)

Not known for being the most cheerful of people young Peter keeps up the appearence for Russia this year.

That said he comes to life in his press conference and actually (gasp) has a sense of humour:))

More later......its lunchtime:)