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Spain as seen by Keith

What’s the Spanish for complete and utter fiasco? I suppose when you have as song that is so dull and monotonous you have to throw the kitchen sink at the staging but this is just completely over the top and has sent the Press Centre into complete hysterics of laughter. Edurne starts by sitting centre stage with what looks like a sequined beach towel over her head and once the camera pans out you see that she’s actually sitting on her backing dancer. There is then a ridiculous amount of playing with the long red shawl before the backing dancer pulls it off to reveal the terrific golden dress and fabulous boots which are Edurne’s main performance costume. There’s a nice rustic theme to the backdrop and there’s a lot of gymnastics- come- dancing and it just looks awfully awkward and totally contrived. Some really messy camera angles which will obviously be gone by next Saturday night. But at the end of the three minutes the OTT nature of the performance means you have no recollection of the song. This could end up in the bottom five with an early draw.